Sunday, January 6, 2008

Been too long

It's been a while since I've had a post, and I have a great excuse. I stumbled onto a Wii by dumb luck on New Year's Eve day and I couldn't pass it up. The Target by my apartment just got a shipment in and I happened to by buying something in the electronics department and there she was! I had to have it, even though I'm the world's worst video game player, hands down. I suck at them, but this Wii may be different.... The following day, I again stumbled onto a gem of a game called Guitar Hero 3. What I didn't know is that finding both a Wii and then GH3 the following day around the Holiday season is virtually impossible. Needless to say, I think everyone can see where this is going............
I've become an obsessed junkie over this game!!! I know I'm way behind everyone else in knowing that GH3 is such an addictive game, but I never thought in a million years I would think to myself that I am going to play video games all night when I get home from work. Well, that has happened. AND, I suck at it. But, I'm getting better. We'll see how long the infatuation lasts before I either get superstar level good, or have to have surgery on my wrists from "nintendo thumb." It also made for a great South Park episode, guitar queer-o. Hilarious! Maybe if I get good enough, I'll get an agent and go to coke parties! Rock ON!
Other than that, well.....there hasn't been much other than that. The last week consisted of going to work and playing GH3, that's about it. Diet Cokes and frozen pizzas as sustenance, and I'm good to go. So much for starting off the New Year working out and getting in shape. I might as well start buying XL shirts and jeans that are 2 sizes bigger now.

To follow up on past posts, Christmas was very enjoyable this year, especially because I got to spend it with my brother and his family. They just moved to Grand Junction and hadn't seen family since they moved. We had a really good time. The pics in this post are from that weekend.

2008 hopefully will be a good year. The jury's still out on whether or not I'm going to make any resolutions. I have some internal goals I MUST accomplish this year, but I go over them every day, so writing them down is pointless. If I can pull myself away from this video game, then I might be able to go about working towards these goals.......However, I think I have established a new goal......hmmmmmmmm..........

I'm pretty excited about the new American Gladiators tonight.....we'll see if they can capture the audience like the old Gladiators did. I grew up watching that show and it ruled. I really hope that they can match that same success. I don't know about the hosts, but I hope the competitions speak for themselves.

Side note: I just read this post and have just confirmed to myself what everyone else already knows about me.........I am a loser. I am okay with this.

Music listened to while posting: Clubland X-Treme Hardcore 3, disc 2, mixed by Breeze. Great dj and series of CD's from the UK. has more, great dance music.
Well, rest time is over.......practice calls.........

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Quick entry #2

I finally have some photos to post....not much, but still, it's something. However, those will have to wait until tomorrow or the next night.

Christmas was good, except for the drive home. The first experience of driving through the mountains with snow on the ground and bad visibility was a ton of fun for someone who grew up in the Midwest. Good times. It was worth it to see family though. I'll put pics up and write more about it tomorrow.....or Saturday.

Album: Ultra. Trance 2007. Artist. DJ 4 Strings.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Quick entry

Yeah, I missed a day right after I wrote that I was going to try and make an entry every day. Sue me. My computer was ten ways screwed up and I just got it working properly this morning. Fingers crossed, I finally found out where that stupid virus was located. It never got installed because of Spy Sweeper and Norton anti-virus, but it would try to install itself every once in a while. SO, hopefully that's all gone.

There's no point in writing much because not much has happened. It's that time of year to get together with family and celebrate Christmas, so that's what I'm getting ready to do. Due to weather coming into the area, I'm going to head out today to my brother's place. We'll see how it all goes........good I hope.

Merry Christmas!

I still need some pictures........
artist listening to while making quick entry: basshunter. Album: LOL. (And for those of you who know me and are reading this, that is the real name of the Album. I'm not beginning to write in 'aol speak.' Ishts....I still hate that stuff.)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

nothing much

I really don't have much going on but I'm going to write something, even if it's a little bit, every day. I think I just spent another 3 hours on iTunes (read previous entry)....BUT, earlier I triumphantly acquired the necessary gifts for the niece and nephews. I will definitely keep my status as "coolest uncle." That title will be won by default because I'm the only uncle that's going to be around for Christmas. Details.....
But, I didn't buy anything from the money sucking wonderprogram. Just screen shopped and sampled. I think if I actually had endless amounts of money, I would have a computer full of crap music and movies and tv shows and.....what else does iTunes offer? Games. I would have a bunch of crap games too....even though I both suck and blow at video games (read: I both suck and blow at video games. yes, even the simple ones). I don't have the attention span for them at I don't play them.

On a complete spot of randomness....and I'm writing this because it just crossed my mind..... I was informed today that I am a weird eater. Yeah, eater. I believe the way I eat can be classified as 'compartmental,' if that's even a word. I eat one thing at a time. When that's gone, then I'll move on. It's not all that noticeable unless there's a lot of different foods on my plate and I methodically move through each helping of food until (usually) the main entree is left. I don't think I'm the only one who does this in the world. The party I was with today found that odd that I left my meat until last while the rest of the plate was clean. Oh well. I'm weird, I knew this. Almost everyone that knows me is fully aware that I have some quirks at restaurants to begin with. I'm not a restaurantaphobic (look that one up in Webster's), I just have oddities about eating out. NO big groups, usually over 6 is a deal breaker for me.....I don't order the same thing as anyone else on the table, usually requiring that I order last. Most people think it's being polite to let everyone order before me....nuh uh....I'm a weird person who has these random quirks......I have no idea where it all came from, and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

I need some more pictures to post....all these words are boring.

And finally, since I mentioned the artist/album I was listening to last night, I might as well kep up the trend. Tonight is one of Chicago's finest DJ's, DJ Markski. I believe it's Ski Mix 44. His Euro mixes are just plain amazing. It's too bad he's not on iTunes..................

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

this was recommended because you bought.........

I believe I will be broke and homeless in 5 years time and I will blame it all on Steve Jobs and his little addiction of an invention called iTunes. I think I have officially just spent the last three to seven hours on iTunes listening to those wonderful 3o second snippets of songs, trying to determine if the song or album is worth spending the $9.99 on. And the worst part?! It's just one simple click away!!! Pretty soon it's going to be, do I eat or buy the new indie rocker CD? And, it'll of course be the indie rocker CD, that'll fill my hunger. My hunger to Rock out!!!! Why the indie rocker album? Well, that's because it was recommended to me because I bought the other indie group's album that sounds exactly like them and that one was recommended because I bought the mainstream album that, yep, sounded exactly like them........and so on and so on. OH, and don't forget about the music video that accompanies the gotta have the video! Who knows when you'll be bored and think, "not only do I want to hear this song, I really really want to watch the video!" (read: Yes, I actually do have some of the videos for that exact reason.) I don't know exactly how much I spent, I'll have to wait until the smoke clears......But, I have some new tunes now! Which, I'll probably forget I have and I'll keep listening to the same 5 cd's that I always fall back on, because they're the best. NO, I don't know what those are at this time. It would definitely have to depend on the genre of music. Yeah, I'm one of those types that says "I like all kinds of music...." Yeah, I'll admit, I'm wishy-washy and I have my moods, especially if I'm on my 'man-dot.' However, during this blog entry, I am listening to The Rasmus-Dead Letters. Great album from back in 2003. I've had this for a little while, but I'm just not up on all the good music out there. Please forgive me all you music nazi's who keep up on all the new music....I'll try harder next time.

On a completely unrelated note, I don't think I am going to ever have kids for the sole fact that buying them toys will forever be an exercise in futility for me. In a sad sad attempt to be a good uncle, I went to the store tonight to look for Christmas gifts for my three nephews (SIDE NOTE: When did Christmas sneak up? It seemed to come out of nowhere this year. "Hey, it's me Christmas! I'm here!!" Oh really? whoops!). The oldest one, easy. He's into the video games and has just begun to realize that people (people meaning other kids in his 5th grade class that actually worry about what you wear. Most likely the girls that he has crushes on. Can't fault the boy) attach a label to you based on the brand name on your clothes. Like I said, easy. Game or some clothes. The other two, not so much. They are younger and really still like playing with toys. I didn't realize there were so many toys out there these days. Who knew that you could actually have a stuffed animal that you registered online and raised via the web site? NOT ME. There were so many different toys and things for kids to play with, I got sweaty, clammy and nervous. I didn't know what to do. So, I'm sitting here with no toys bought. Tomorrow is a new day. I think I'm going to have a pep talk with myself before I go back into the store to keep myself focused. That, or I'll just go over to the CD's and find some albums I want to order from iTunes later on in the evening. Prediction? The latter, for sure..........
Despite my pathetic attempt to buy Christmas gifts for kids who probably would rather rip the paper to shreds than actually play with the toys, it's going to be good to see them again. Since moving to Denver, I have not been able to see much of my family, nor will I really be able to see any of my family due to the fact we all live in different states. That is, except for my oldest brother and his family. He moved to Colorado with his family a week before I did and is only 4 hours away. It will be good to go visit them for the Holiday and experience all the craziness that comes with children and their most favoritest (quoting one of my nieces) time of year. Something about Christmas with children just feels right. It doesn't matter if they believe in Santa or not, just the anticipation and excitement is enough. Just knowing there is something secret and wrapped that will be theirs the following day is a great thing to witness. Kind of like when you order iTunes songs and then see the money you spent on the bank statement. Oh, that's not excitement.....bad example. Yes, I will graciously accept iTunes gift cards. Simple, $5 denominations or higher will be perfect for me, I'm not picky. Email me for contact information: I'll be your friend and send you a nice thank you card.....or text.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


There's one good thing about moving somewhere where you don't know anyone or have any family and that is I watch a lot more movies. I don't know if I'm just the biggest loser in the world or what, but I love going to the movies by myself and just watching movies in general. I've gotten a chance to catch up on some DVD's that I have been meaning to watch because I missed them in the theater, so that's been good. I have also had a chance to get to the theater.....I guess it's because there's no social pressure in the theater, you just watch the movie. Maybe it's that escape from reality for those 2 hours or so that is so nice. There's nothing to worry about except for the characters on the screen and the plot. For that short time, I am in a different world, I am engaged in a different reality and it's refreshing.

That feeling really only comes in the theater. Watching a DVD at home is great, but it's just not the same. I love going to the movies, getting the popcorn and soda, and getting ready for a 2 hour experience. And, every movie is different, thus bringing a completely different experience every time I got to the theater and watch a flick. I like the previews too.

Tonight was 'I am Legend.' I haven't seen the previous attempts at recreating Richard Matheson's book with the same title, nor have I read the book, but I enjoyed this movie. It was definitely a thriller with some very cool action scenes. Plus, the dog in the movie, Sam, looks like the dog my family had when I was growing up. I felt a connection with that dog (in life and in the movie because how much she looked like our dog) and there were a couple intense scenes that, had I not been in a public place, I probably would have shouted at the screen like I was shouting at a dog to heel. Definitely engaging, and that's a good sign of a good movie. Definitely a science fiction movie (I don't think--hope not---that there will be a super-virus that will take out all but 10% of the world's population, but wouldn't it be pretty prophetic if something came about like that......).

I just wonder if there is some connection between the destruction of mankind in this movie and the destruction of mankind in '12 Monkeys.' Great movie...great acting by Brad Pitt.

Speaking of actors, Will Smith makes some great movies. From his first blockbuster 'Independence Day' in 1996 (Men in Black in 95 was good, not like Independence Day though) until now, he has made some really great movies. Except for 'Wild Wild West.' That was a horrible piece of film. I'm going to forget he was in that. All from a kid who was born and raised in West Philedelphia, spending most of his days on the playground.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sometimes, it just is........and it and is sucks.

It sucks. Those situations where you can't do anything and the past has created your present and future. You can't take back what you've done or said even though you would give anything in the world to. I've been there a bunch of times and it feels awful. There's a sick feeling you get in your stomach. In some respects, it really lets you know you're alive because the pain you feel is REAL. I hate those times. But, they're part of life. Everyone has them and will go through them. The only hope I have is that not too many people get hurt when it happens. That's the worst.

Sometimes it just is.....too late to apologize.