Monday, November 19, 2007

First Post. Star date....I have no idea

That's me (to the left.) for those who have stumbled onto this blog (extends internet hand to shake...pleasure). And, if you have stumbled onto this blog, I apologize. I am an uncreative moron who decided to start/write a blog just because I heard all the cool kids were doing it these days. That's not entirely true but it seems that more and more people these days are more interested by reading/watching people on the internet than they are interested in actually meeting them (I'm almost positive that's a run on sentence, but I don't care). Anyways, the reason for starting this is two fold...or three fold, or however many folds it takes.
Currently I live in Louisville KY. An unbelievable city that I never thought I would fall in love with, but I have. It's a great place to live and just "be." The atmosphere is great, the people are outstanding and Derby week(s) are unforgettable. I have met some unbelievable people who have let me into their world in the short 2 and a half years I have been here and I am proud to call those people my close friends. With all that said, I'm moving to Denver in a couple weeks. Nothing against this great city, but out West (sort of west...more west than Louisville for the geographically challenged) is where I want to live. And, getting a job transfer (that I put in for but basically fell in my lap...score one for me) helped this all come to fruition. SO, this blog is partly for them. This is just another way for me to keep in contact with them. I hope to update this regularly so that they can read up on the "babe zabel" (pictured below) adventures as well as see how cool Colorado is. Maye I'll tempt some River City dwellers to make the trek out there someday. Anyways, that's one reason for writing this. Is it arrogant to think my friends would read this and enjoy it? More importantly, do they care about what I'm doing? I don't care. I'm gonna do it anyways.
The second reason is because I want to be as cool as my brother, the computer genius. Don't believe me? Read the latest entry posted by him here (I have no idea how to make it so you can click on the word "here" and have you go there. Copy and paste you lazy summumabitches). He thinks in computer code!!!! AT parties!!!! AND, that is why I love him. He doesn't live anywhere near here. In fact he lives in the bat capital of the States and keeping in contact with him is key. And, he'll help me make this a little more snazzy than what it is now, which is poop.
I don't need a final reason for posting entries, but if I had to make one, it would be to keep better track of what's going on in my life, my head, my world. I suck, SUCK at taking pictures. Mostly because I forget I own a camera (what, phone apparatuses have cameras now?! Unheard of!!!). So, this will help me a., take more pictures to post and b., write about them. Also, I haven't rekindled my love for MySpace yet. I broke up with MySpace a couple months ago because it's stupid. But, if I want to keep in contact with friends, I better take it a dozen roses and hope for the best.
That's it for now. I've started........T minus one week 3 days until I pack up the ole F one fiddy and head out.

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