Sunday, December 16, 2007


There's one good thing about moving somewhere where you don't know anyone or have any family and that is I watch a lot more movies. I don't know if I'm just the biggest loser in the world or what, but I love going to the movies by myself and just watching movies in general. I've gotten a chance to catch up on some DVD's that I have been meaning to watch because I missed them in the theater, so that's been good. I have also had a chance to get to the theater.....I guess it's because there's no social pressure in the theater, you just watch the movie. Maybe it's that escape from reality for those 2 hours or so that is so nice. There's nothing to worry about except for the characters on the screen and the plot. For that short time, I am in a different world, I am engaged in a different reality and it's refreshing.

That feeling really only comes in the theater. Watching a DVD at home is great, but it's just not the same. I love going to the movies, getting the popcorn and soda, and getting ready for a 2 hour experience. And, every movie is different, thus bringing a completely different experience every time I got to the theater and watch a flick. I like the previews too.

Tonight was 'I am Legend.' I haven't seen the previous attempts at recreating Richard Matheson's book with the same title, nor have I read the book, but I enjoyed this movie. It was definitely a thriller with some very cool action scenes. Plus, the dog in the movie, Sam, looks like the dog my family had when I was growing up. I felt a connection with that dog (in life and in the movie because how much she looked like our dog) and there were a couple intense scenes that, had I not been in a public place, I probably would have shouted at the screen like I was shouting at a dog to heel. Definitely engaging, and that's a good sign of a good movie. Definitely a science fiction movie (I don't think--hope not---that there will be a super-virus that will take out all but 10% of the world's population, but wouldn't it be pretty prophetic if something came about like that......).

I just wonder if there is some connection between the destruction of mankind in this movie and the destruction of mankind in '12 Monkeys.' Great movie...great acting by Brad Pitt.

Speaking of actors, Will Smith makes some great movies. From his first blockbuster 'Independence Day' in 1996 (Men in Black in 95 was good, not like Independence Day though) until now, he has made some really great movies. Except for 'Wild Wild West.' That was a horrible piece of film. I'm going to forget he was in that. All from a kid who was born and raised in West Philedelphia, spending most of his days on the playground.


Stephen Zabel said...

You know Wild Wild West is actually one of my guilty pleasures :P

I actually really liked a lot of the steampunk creations that they had in it. (

Stephen Zabel said...

do'uh... i actually said "actually" twice.