Saturday, December 22, 2007

Quick entry

Yeah, I missed a day right after I wrote that I was going to try and make an entry every day. Sue me. My computer was ten ways screwed up and I just got it working properly this morning. Fingers crossed, I finally found out where that stupid virus was located. It never got installed because of Spy Sweeper and Norton anti-virus, but it would try to install itself every once in a while. SO, hopefully that's all gone.

There's no point in writing much because not much has happened. It's that time of year to get together with family and celebrate Christmas, so that's what I'm getting ready to do. Due to weather coming into the area, I'm going to head out today to my brother's place. We'll see how it all goes........good I hope.

Merry Christmas!

I still need some pictures........
artist listening to while making quick entry: basshunter. Album: LOL. (And for those of you who know me and are reading this, that is the real name of the Album. I'm not beginning to write in 'aol speak.' Ishts....I still hate that stuff.)